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What I've Been Up To & Special Surprise!

I know, I know, I've been so MIA the last few months. So very slack at posting blogs and keeping everyone up to date with how 2017 is panning out. Please accept my most humble apologies.

Now, where to start....

2017 has been a cracker of a year so far, in most respects. The universe aligned and provided me with a job that perfectly suits my needs at the moment, allowing me to better provide for me and my kidlets. So far it's going really well, but of course it's impacted on my time allowance to write, and I'm still struggling in some degree to juggle everything. But! It has taken a huge financial burden off my shoulders, which has been life-changing.

I've also started providing some editing and proofreading services, more on the proofreading side. I've been doing it for a few years now, taught myself along the way with the assistance and guidance of a wonderful US-based publisher. I've had the privilege of working on some awesome manuscripts, and I'm loving it and really finding my groove. Again this has taken time away from my own writing, but in some ways I think everything I do is building on my skills, and will come in handy down the track somewhere, even reading stories from other authors,

The other thing I taught myself to do in the last couple of months, with help from the amazing Meg Bawden, was to format for print. What a challenge! But! I did it!! My books are all now in the hands of Createspace, and proofs are currently on their way. I can't wait to hold them in my hands, and it means I'll have them for Riveting Reads in Brisbane in October. I won't be doing pre-orders but just having a small supply with me. I'll take details of anyone who might miss out and still want a copy.

Another big announcement is that I now have a website! I'd love for you to check it out and let me know what you think. I'll be building on it over the course of this year, connecting a blog, getting together a newsletter and sending it out to subscribers. Exciting things happening! I'll also have paperbacks available to order through it.

Lastly, I'd like to share my writing plan for the rest of the year. I'm currently working on Shire Boys #3 Ryan & Matt's story. I bloody love these 2 guys, and the amazing cover! Yep, that's your surprise, here it is. Ta da!

How amazing is it??? Can't wait for you to meet these guys. I'm setting myself a release date so I'm beholden to it and will knuckle down. 30th June! I can do it!

After that I'm getting stuck into I Taste You. I'm about 1/3 in and really enjoying these two guys, they're so hot and kinky! Hoping to get that out before Riveting Reads, but not a hundred percent sure I will. After that, Home #2 is calling. I have an outline and title, and an awesome cover I can't wait to use, so fingers crossed it will happen. And that's it so far. Trying not to overburden myself, setting realistic goals.

And that's what I've been doing all this time. I'm still here, still writing, still alive, just real life took a curve and I've been heads down bum up, working my little *cough* tail off.

Love and light to you all, I'll be endeavouring to keep everyone in the loop a little more now that I'm finding my groove.

Susan xx

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