A Giant Leap: Logo Reveal!

In my last post I spoke about the latest craze I've been reading so much about: Manifesting.
April was to be my month, I was going to manifest the crap out of it (remember?), make stuff happen.
Well, it's confession time.
I'm a stubborn Aries with a growing addiction to social media so it's a lot for those manifesting vibes to work against. I did work on all of my goals, but my achievement level in each of them was way below what I was hoping for, like way below. Atlantis level.
So, after I went through the usual guilt and self-recrimination I've come up with a new plan for May.
I'm also determined to wean myself off social media but I'll need some help! If you see me fluffing around and procrastinating and posting funny bad lip reading videos kick my sizeable butt and demand I get back to my writing! This is the only way I Hear You is ever going to see the light of day!
So how are you going to turn May into Making Things Happen and Manifesting Madly May I hear you ask (see what I did there, incorporate my WIP title into the sentence, totes by accident LOL)?
* I have taken May off from proofreading *gasp* This was a big decision but will free up a huge chunk of time for me to get stuck into my own writing.
* I've organised an app that will block me from social media in blocks so I can work without distraction while the kids are at school.
* Tomorrow is dedicated to setting up my work area, again, (I kind of drifted to the dining table when my workspace got taken over by laundry).
* Lastly, I took a big step in establishing myself as an author (a big step in my eyes anyway) and got myself a logo which you hopefully noticed attached to this post! If that's not manifesting like a boss and believing in yourself I don't know what is, and it's so pretty and I love it to bits! It represents me (*not really me because it's been 30 years since I looked that graceful and lithe) dancing through pages leaving a trail of love and light. It's why I do what I do, regardless of everything else.
Okay May, time to spin you on your heels!
P.s Seriously, kick my arse if you see me on FB or Twitter too much, I need your help! *whispers "but they don't know about your new and secret Instagram account" <insert evil cackle>*
Love and light to all!