What I've Been Up To & Special Surprise!
I know, I know, I've been so MIA the last few months. So very slack at posting blogs and keeping everyone up to date with how 2017 is...

Cover Reveal: Submerged (Home #1)
I'm so freaking excited to reveal

Cover Reveal: Submerged (Home #1)
I'm so freaking excited to reveal the cover of Submerged, book one of the Home series! For those who know me from Twitter, you might...

Celebrating NaNoWriMo Success!
I'm so freaking happy, over the moon, doing excited wiggles in my chair. Stoked! I've just completed my first NaNoWriMo successfully,...

New Cover: I See You
I have some exciting news to share! I See You, my debut book released in February this year--which I totally did everything on my own...

What's next, Susan?
Just thought I would give you all a rundown on what's on the agenda for the next few months. I'm still giddy with joy with the successful...

His Pounding... Heart
Well, I hope y'all are enjoying getting to know Eamon and Leo, and fell in love with them just as much as I did. They had a rough time of...

Release Day: I Hear You (Come to Your Senses #2
I can't believe it's finally here! Wow, so much hard work has gone into this book and I'm so darn proud of it. I never thought this would...

Cover Reveal: I Hear You!
Hello! I've been sitting on this baby for months, dying to share it with you all, ever since the amazingly talented Meg Bawden from Bawd...

A Giant Leap: Logo Reveal!
In my last post I spoke about the latest craze I've been reading so much about: Manifesting. April was to be my month, I was going to...