Release Day: I Hear You (Come to Your Senses #2

I can't believe it's finally here! Wow, so much hard work has gone into this book and I'm so darn proud of it.
I never thought this would be me, and seeing my pen name gracing such an amazing cover, and people telling me they're excited to read my story blows me away. Every. Single. Time. I don't think that will ever change :)
I have some really special people to thank and I'd like to take this opportunity to do it because Amazon likes to skip those bits at the start.
Nic Starr- You seriously live up to your name. You are a true star and have helped so much in making this book shine. You selflessly gave up your precious time to read and give me lots of helpful red that has made a huge difference to the finished product. Eternally grateful.
Meg Bawden- For the kick-arse cover, and for all your positivity and enthusiasm, reading for me and getting my lame jokes, and for just being you.
Dena- You give so much, time, love, light, hope. I'm honoured that you read my story and loved it and thank you for everything you do.
Lori and Bethany- Two awesome beta readers who gave me such great feedback and dug me out of my moments of self-doubt. Awesomeness personified.
Life has been a bit of a challenge the last year or so, lots of things trying to drag me down. I don't talk about it much because I refuse to let it all steal my happiness. This, you guys, everyone on FB and Twitter, my kids, you're all my happy things and I'm grateful to you all. You have no idea how much.
I hope you enjoy Eamon and Leo's story. Feel free to let me know what you thought, I'd love to hear from you! xx
Blurb: Leo Bradshaw: Casino security, gym-selfie junkie, and foraging amongst Christmas paper in the closet.
Eamon Hughes: Teacher, new in town, and a notorious hermit but avid hiker.
Leo's body reacts the first time he spies Eamon, who's on a rare night out at his work Christmas party. It's not good. At all. Leo's in the closet and surrounded by peers and cameras, but the body wants what the body wants, even though he could lose everything if he acts on it. Eamon learns the hard way the casino isn't the safe haven he thought, but it does put him on the radar of the hot and sexy security guard who makes his body go oomph! Through run-ins with Rohypnol, life-changing mountain climbs, and a steamy whitegoods encounter, their friendship blossoms. But could they ever be more? I Hear You is a story about trusting your heart to guide you exactly where it's meant to be.