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Celebrating NaNoWriMo Success!

I'm so freaking happy, over the moon, doing excited wiggles in my chair. Stoked! I've just completed my first NaNoWriMo successfully, finishing one WIP, and making good headway into a second.

My decision to do it was completely spur of the moment. When I first saw 50K it was daunting since I'd been in a bit of a writing slump for over a month. I decided to give it a go, though, and was hopeful it would give me the motivation I needed to start getting words done again. Did it work?

Hell yes! I broke 50K and that was even with having a few days off here and there, showing me that I can do it if I give myself targets to work towards. So that's going to be my plan for next year, setting goals every week and meeting them. It seems to work for me.

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been with me over the month, joining in on sprints and motivating each other. I'm so damn proud of us all for giving it a go, especially when real life and orange men with little hands try and mess with our writing mojo. With the way my month went, I figure if I can achieve this during a complete custerf**k, then the sky's the limit when life is sailing along a lot smoother.

I also wanted to share my celebration of completing my inaugural NaNoWriMo. I spent November tidying up Shire Boys 2 and getting it ready to release, knowing I wanted to do it to reward myself, and hopefully you guys will see it as a reward as well. Meg again came through with a kick-arse cover, how freaking hot are these two, and I fell in love with Jeff and Heath all over again as I worked on their super-hot story.

Like the first Shire Boys, I wrote this over a year ago, and I love seeing how my writing has improved over time. I hope you love them as much as I do, their story is linked with the first book, but a whole different kettle of fish when it comes to heat level.

So without any further fanfare, I humbly present you with Shire Boys 2: Jeff & Heath. It's unapologetically fluffy and sweet, instalove abounds, and I hope the ending leaves you crying into your tissues like it did when I wrote it.

Amazon uploaed it super fast so here are the buy links!

Peace out :)

Susan xx

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