Mad March done! April Aspirations.

I hope everyone had a lovely Easter break. We got away with just one trip to the emergency room so I'm calling it a win!
March was a crazy month for me. I had the madness of getting a book I wrote in the Easter holidays last year ready to publish, and then the release and subsequent promotions etc. I'm still a total rookie at everything, and I'm not naturally a pushy person, don't like to bother people too much, so I was completely outside my comfort zone.
I'm really happy with the response from both books. All I ever wanted was for just one person to enjoy my stories and that's more than been achieved. I'm a happy girl :)
I also had my birthday just a few days ago and had a wonderful week. I got taken out to dinner by my brother and sister-in-law (without my kids! Felt very adulty!) and I had lots of lovely messages. Oh, and a tub of peppermint crisp ice cream from my oldest. Sooooo good!
I went and saw a dietician a few months ago who got me into setting goals. I've always been a free spirit, a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kinda girl, but I thought I'd give it a crack. I've found it really effective and have transferred the method over to my "professional" goals as well.
Working alongside this I'm also trying the latest craze: manifesting. My very best friend is right into it and I thought why not? She's never steered me wrong before.... Okay, maybe just once, and we already had fake names planned to give to the transit police and totally got off scot-free. I was Rebecca White! Apparently, if you write down what you desire and remind yourself often enough it's going to have more of a chance of actually happening! Who'd have thunk? I'll let you know if I win Powerball this week... from Tahiti.
So here's me, writing it down, setting goals, and manifesting the crap out of my goals for April!
- Wean myself off social media a bit and redirect that time to my writing. My inner voice is being snarky in my ear saying "fat chance." I'll show you inner voice!
- Get through some books on my TBR list that I've been dying to read, and then review the crap out of them! This I definitely want to achieve. So many awesome books came out in March and I'm way behind! I miss reading for fun :(
- Keep doing my proofing but get my notes organised and cheat sheets made to make it more efficient, and so I can review what I've learnt. This is a need, not a want. Going to work on this one extra hard. Even work the crap out of this one!
- Get stuck right into my next WIP, I Hear You. I admit I'm in a crappy funk with this one. The characters keep wanting to change whole personalities and lifestyles on me and I can't wrangle them. I'll be working on my roping skills and taming them down into something consistent.
There are 2 weeks of school holidays in the month as well so I'm going to tailor my days around those, but I'm confident all this will be achievable. It could be a load of crap though.... Can you tell I'm mentally constipated, can't stop with the crap! LOL!
Anyway, I'll miss y'all on Facebook and Twitter but I'll check in on occasion and be back stronger and revitalised in May.
Much love and light,
Susan xx