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What's Next, Susan?

So many things! It's almost overwhelming, but I'm loving the ride. First of all, let me just give you a glimpse of a typical day for me so you get to learn more about my life.

6:45 Wake up, iron school shirts, make lunches, wake kids up and get them motivated to feed themselves and get dressed.

8:00 Leave the house, unless we're waiting for someone to find their other shoe, which is usually the case. Drive the kids to school and then hit the shops for groceries, or meet up with a friend for coffee therapy. I also try and get to the gym, but am easily distracted.

9:00 Housework- dishes, washing, feed the dog, braving one of the bathrooms if I'm feeling crazy. I usually end with breakfast while I'm catching up on email, social media etc.

10:00 I'm either proofreading, writing or editing, learning formatting techniques, making book covers or researching. It's my own version of "school."

12:00 Lunch! Usually leftovers and then more pottering, picking up senior high school kids who finish early and running them to TAFE or home.

2:00 Time to pick up my other children, I take my notebook and sit under a beautiful poinciana tree at the entrance to the school and write poems or plot out new stories.

3:00 We come home for afternoon tea and then it's usually off to footy training where I bang away on my laptop while waiting in the car.

6:00 Dinner, depending on how late afternoon activities go, and then showers, reading time and winding down the kids.

8:30 Younger kids to bed, it's "me time" again, kind of. There's always one sneaking out for a drink of water, or being caught playing their device which I forgot to confiscate.

9:00 More reading, proofing, writing. I'm don't watch much TV except for Heartland with my girls on the weekends and holidays, and also Big Bang when I remember.

I them aim for 10:30 bedtime but my mind has usually got it's second wind so I keep paper and a pen on my bedside table for taking notes!

Weekends vary slightly. I sleep in if I can, we have football, touch football Friday nights and rep carnivals to go to. I usually do the lawns then, listen to the kids moan about having to tidy their room, go for walks and chillax with them.

And that's my life, in a nutshell! You can probably see why I love school holidays, well the first week or so, anyway.

So what's next: I've decided to work on the first story I wrote, back in the Easter holidays last year. I think I mentioned it in my first blog post. It's a beautiful story, I think, about young love, finding out who you are and loving that person, and beginning your own journey. I'm revealing the cover above and it features my Happy Place in the early hours of the morning, the sun not quite high yet, turning the molten lava rocks platinum. Truly my favourite part of day there.

I'm looking at an Easter release, so keep your eyes off the eggs, and peeled! *snicker* Get it, eggs, peeled....

Enjoy and I hope you all have a great weekend.

Love and light!

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